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Keep it Legal Blog

What to Expect When You’re Expecting a Trademark Registration: Scams!

People who apply to register trademarks with the United States Patent and Trademark Office tend to receive a variety of mailings from companies purporting to be some sort of official trademark-related entity. These are otherwise known as “scams.” Don’t fall for these scams, and whatever you do, don’t send these people any money. If you have filed a trademark application with the USPTO, the only point of communication will be with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Any other entity is not the real thing. For example, there is no government agency referred to as the “United States Trademark…

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Pinterest’s Challenging Copyright Issues, Part 2

Yesterday I wrote about the online image sharing site Pinterest and some of the copyright law questions it raises – click here for the beginning of my discussion of Pinterest copyright issues. Today I wanted to expand on some of those legal issues, and discuss whether individual users should be concerned about liability – can I be sued for copyright infringement just for using Pinterest to share images I find online?

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Pinterest’s Challenging Copyright Issues, Part 1

There has been a lot of discussion lately about the copyright issues raised by Pinterest, a popular social image sharing site. Here’s one recent article about Pinterest; here’s another. What are the key points to understand about Pinterest and the legal questions it raises? Read on for Part 1 of this discussion on Pinterest copyright issues. Part 2 will be posted tomorrow.

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A Long Time Ago, in a Parody Far Far Away…

If you’re a fan of the original Star Wars movies, then you’ll love Star Wars: Uncut, a viral video created by hundreds of fans around the world. Each fan claimed 15 seconds from the original Star Wars (Episode IV: A New Hope) and re-filmed it using whoever and whatever they liked – animation, live action, their pets, Star Wars Legos, you name it. The entire film was put together and can be watched online. The Star Wars movies are copyrighted, subject to trademark protection, and probably covered by alien forms of intellectual property law known only by George Lucas and…

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